
How to Catch a Cheating Spouse -

If you have a hunch that your spouse is cheating behind your back, then it's definitely worth spending your time trying to catch him. He may or may not confess about it, and it's up to you to find out the real score. This might just save your marriage in the nick of time.
Right now, you may be losing sleep thinking too much about it. Well, it's time to stop worrying and play detective cheat poker. They say the truth will set you free and give you peace of mind, so buckle up and get the work done. Here are the steps on how to catch your cheating partner:

1. Keep a journal of your partner's activities. This is where you will track down the time, dates, and places he has been to day in and day out. Also take note the names of the people who are with him at a certain date or event.
2. Crosscheck your notes with your spouse's ATM transactions, credit card statements and bank records. If there is a discrepancy in his credit card statement and it is listed that he paid for two dinners at a restaurant, it certainly smells fishy. It could mean he paid for the other woman's dinner.
Are there any hotel billings in his credit card statement?Look for the name of the hotel and call them up to confirm your suspicion  trick cards.

3. Check his cell phone records to see his outgoing as well as incoming calls. List down any unfamiliar number and any repeat calls that he has made or received. If you are both on a family plan, you have access to these records. Just call the phone company and ask them to procure you with the call details.
Look for the owner of the unfamiliar number through reserve look-up services availableonline.
4. When you happen to stop by his office, be extra observant. Try to notice if he has been avoiding a certain co-worker. See if he is exchanging sly looks with anyone.
It is best to have a mole inside so find someone you trust in his office and befriend that person. They will be more sympathetic to you and report any peculiar relationships because you the wife. Attend office functions as often as possible and take advantage of this opportunity.
5. Make a surprise visit. Drop by his office or come home early than usual. You will more likely to catch him when he least expects it.
Makeup a fake vacation and tell him you will be going out of town to visit your parents. Then come at his office unannounced. Check people's reactions and see if your spouse has been absent from work.
6. Take a day off from work and ask one of your friends to go on a mission with you. Together, trail your husband in car and see where he goes. You should know his schedule and itinerary in order to find him and effectively trail his back.

